Elon Musk says he is ‘almost done’ selling Tesla stock

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:53 PM

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My mom and I consistently earn massively on our crypto investment. Courtsey to Mrs Nicole Brusher, her set skills are amazing.

Sure it can, they just dont want to stop inflation.

Congress has outsourced it's responsibility to the FED.   They wants to abrogate their responsibility of making difficult but necessary decisions.    Balancing Taxes vs Spending isn't needed when you can print money out of thin air.

I came here to learn how to invest after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k. somehow this  has helped shed light on some things, but I'm still confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.

Criminal activities XD. Define criminal activities Mr monopoly of violence.

4 of one percent for saving acct.'s & only 1.25% fot 5 yr. CD's!  Yes, mortgage interest was 17%, but houses sold for $40k & there were ways around paying that,  e.g.take over mortgages, purchase money mortgages, etc. I bought two houses then, that way!I'm 75 & will someone please explain why when we had high inflation in 1981, the banks were paying 12% to as much as 18% for 5 yr. CD's! Now, with ever spiraling inflation, we are getting an absurdly low .25% or 1

Though the help of ️ I was able to add $5,000 to my bitcoin wallet for me to start business. Guys here in Australia mask have really been good to us all

Just trying to understand the definition of a 'bubble' here. When Tesla dropped from $1100 to $500 that wasn't the popping of a Bubble? When Bitcoin dived from $64k to less than $30k that wasn't a bubble? WTF is a bubble guys and WTF is a pop? Does it need to drop 110% before you doom-sayers feel vindicated in your broken clock rants? Please help us out

If you want to invest in US  listed stocks, which stocks would you choose and why?

Not one mention of the Fed's balance sheet or total money supply

I see 2 things...blue collar workers that still only make $8-12 an hour and those that have TOO MUCH. I live in a rich State in which people are poor. The richer the state, the poorer its people. Our minimum wage is still $7.25 and business owners use this as an excuse to pay $9...because "it's $2 above minimum wage, what else do you want!?" While our local economy is booming, the average shmo is severely underpaid, giving the fact that it's Californians with BIG money moving here and severely f**king up the economic balance. If we had less rich and overpaid business owners, we wouldn't have inflation, because nobody could afford inflation. The government sees (and tracks income and profits of the general public) how many new above-average A**holes have a pulse within U.S. borders, and fake -->accidental inflation<-- on purpose, making it seem like it's some alien entity causing the effect. It's a clever scam, a theatrical play if you will, to create a continuous larger divide. It is being done on purpose ....  there are no run-away accidents.