Turkey's lira slides 5%; cenbank says it will monitor forex risks

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:53 PM

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If this guy is sounding like this. Its time to run for the hills! Read between the lines! This guy is the biggest bear ever! RUUUUUUUUn!!!!!!

Cryptocurrency = no more cash system = the mark of the beast system = 666. It is clear that many don't see it  yet. Be aware.

Real easy. The public just needs to really cut back on frivolous spending. Just for one month. Stay home. Dont drive anywhere not needed. Dont buy anything. Even buy less food.  month of that the  The big corps will start dropping prices back to normal

Over $20T in quantitative easing under two presidents, a trade war with China amongst other factors got us here.

Feds should have raised interest years ago....tapering off won't do a dam thing.

You guys are a joke! How you were saying how high amc or gme was in compare where it is now.. but then on tesla youre just saying how much it went up this year. Lol what are you traying to say here

zero chance as long as Fed is serving its masters on wall street - the Goldmans, the Morgans and the BlackRocks

Don't worry the real bubble isn't going to pop until 2033...Stay overleveraged and take advantage of these low rates.

Inflation will be the only thing anyone talks about next year. It is a lose-lose scenario. Buy oil companies and maybe financials and inverse Treasuries.....if you believe the Fed is really going to act. Japan has had zero % interest rate since 1999.

gallon of petrol in America This really will make  Vice President   Harris giggle when she is asked why -  can't ask Biden he doesn't know what day it isBefore the Weimar Republic  collapsed, the inflation was exponential in Germany paving the way for the rise of Herr Hitler Soon they will be paying $US100