S&P 500 posts 70th record close, Dow rises for sixth straight day

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:57 PM

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That research paper had an opinion not an objective study. Has economics in America also gone woke!!!

Why yes, stop printing money and BOOM inflation stops

Yes thay can end the fed    Go back to constitutional money   flation is theft And we all know the CPI is a lie come come on really when they use waiting hydonics is hydonics and other adjustments is other adjustments to manipulate the numbers to the downside if we calculated the numbers like they calculated Is when they started it would be more than 10% now

Wow, they do not talk about the real problem: the government deficit. So far this 2021: $6.8T spent, $4T collected from taxes. Simply, incompetence. A crash will come, they are just putting it off; flying higher, the fall will be harder.

Real easy. The public just needs to really cut back on frivolous spending. Just for one month. Stay home. Dont drive anywhere not needed. Dont buy anything. Even buy less food.  month of that the  The big corps will start dropping prices back to normal

Really nothing new has been said here. Is there a risk of overvaluation in the market? Then, diversify your positions. That's investing 101.

When the government tells you to stay calm and not panic, it is time to realize disaster is at hand.

Can not stop bcoz u still print money to wall street and create more wealth gap. Delay to increase interest to help big tech cos. DONT LIE TO ME AND US PPL.

Damn all those old people will never try to understand crypto. Need to pass term limits to keep old people out and fresh minds in.

The real inflation numbers are more like 14%. The Fed change the formula while back, this is the worst inflation we have seen in a very very long time. The Fed will tell you since the 90s, but thats not true they are using a new formula and comparing it against an old formula. They are doctoring the numbers, its that simple.

Just trying to understand the definition of a 'bubble' here. When Tesla dropped from $1100 to $500 that wasn't the popping of a Bubble? When Bitcoin dived from $64k to less than $30k that wasn't a bubble? WTF is a bubble guys and WTF is a pop? Does it need to drop 110% before you doom-sayers feel vindicated in your broken clock rants? Please help us out

Quite an interesting point of view. Every other  I watch and they're all contradicting,  I have no idea who to believe

*5 SECOND ECONOMICS DEGREE* --->>>>  Government waste equals inflation.  _YOUR WELCOME_