EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Don't worry the real bubble isn't going to pop until 2033...Stay overleveraged and take advantage of these low rates.

you can stop inflation. then you will fall into stagflation trap. finally the us economy will totally collapse. just matter of time. the death knell is ringing. today's japan is your tomorrow. lying down and accept your fate.

The US Federal Reserve on stopping inflation: "Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but shorn't... What part of shorn't don't you understand??"

only way to stop it is to turn the printers off stop printing money its been proven no inflation when they turn printers on it starts back up now its to late 850 trillion been printed that all us bills in the world on top of uk printing money china printing money to much been printed 2 ways stop the printing let inflaion run its course crash or raise rates housing will crash forclosers sky rocket then crash ether way only way for evrrything to lvl back out is a crash and we will defult on the debt

American are not interested,

l and dividend balance of 4.05% average. Keep up the great work.establishes and confirms everything I have learned. I am now managing my own portfolio and am loving it. I am still a beginner so operate with due diligence and caution.  I know markets are good right now but I am pleased to say that I'm running today at 9.67 pI LEARN SO MUCH FROM YOU GUYS. Thank you SO much!, I knew NOTHING about investing myself beginning 2021. I'm older than your pa. LOL  I took your academy course in March and haven't looked back. Everything you and your dad are presenting is very Interesting and it confirms what I've learned and am doing. Your s and teaching supports

I bought 69 cents worth of Luna (2780 token) after it crashed... brbrI expect it to go to $0. Surprisingly, it still worth 55 cents. If it ever goes back to, I will sell when my 69 cents is worth $4.20.

The difference between Tesla and Amazon is Tesla has the same margins but will continue to grow faster than Amazon did...

When fed stimulates or better to say overstimulates the economy it basically brings "future spending and investments" to "today". When FED starts to slow down the economy it moves "today's" spending and investments to "future" and moves "focus" to optimizations and cost cutting. There is no free lunch but as always when FED serves lunch, top 5% had really great lunch, while 95% will pay the bill.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket brbrIt's a saying as old as time yet people still don't pay any notice to it

My biggest worry about crypto is that the left will ban it because they want absolute control over Americans access to money and are already pushing for complete irs monitoring of banking transactions.

Sounds like a positive meeting

The world has greater peril from those who tolerate evil, like the DOJ, than from Trump and his fellow insurrectionist!  DOJ Garland is ending democracy by not prosecuting Trumpist.