Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:15 PM

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I would have dodged a $1000 lesson had I found your channel. But an important lesson learned now rather than later. Appreciate you for spending the time and effort to provide these lessons for free. A shining beacon in the community.

, Thanks for your passing along some of your extensive knowledge concerning Technical Analysis. You do a good job of explaining this complicated subject.

4 of an hour. This deserves RESPECT man!  thank you very much for sharing your wisdom with us!It took me more than a month to learn the content of this  by myself. Imagine hours and hours of research and reading. Here is so well summarized and explained in 3

 university -  it doesn't get much better. This was great thank you for this knowledge drop

Technical analysis doesn't work. It's all BULLSHIT!

Sir i have question this strategy can also be use in cryptocurrency trading?

I'm not getting it, I got lost in a way. I really desire to learn and make some profits

PLEASE STOP Making mouth noises and sounds it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to listen to you for a long amount of time. I have insanely bad misophonia and you consistently make chewing related sounds while speaking. Sorry not sorry.

This is gold! I've watched a lot of smart money concepts but your rule based strategy is simple and clear. Thank you for giving us this valuable info for free. Please continue to make more s like this.