EUR/USD retreated modestly from multi-week highs on Friday but ended up gaining

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:04 PM

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Lmao imagine saying that inflation happens because someone asks for a raise. What about not lying for once? People are desperately asking for a raise trying to keep up with the rampant inflation that money printing creates

Housing is a thing. Its a necessity. Now: Lumber is a thing. Its a necessity.

The issue with this  is it brings a bunch of different sectors together to prove a "bubble" yet the supposed bubble is implied to be specific to one market? so they pretty much prove their own theory wrong. they basically saying "one of these markets could be in a bubble" while showing significant increase in value across all assets since pandemic.   Meanwhile it is not discussed that this is primarily due to rampant global money printing inflating currencies around the world so yes assets will go up especially since governments and banks are pumping this printed money into assets.

7."Can inflation be stopped???"  This is the kind of insane liberal logic that permeates newsrooms and seeps into the brain of low information minds.  As if it is some unstoppable virus spread from a crashing meteor and not the fault of morons who keep the  money printing machines on 24

the ultimate bubble is going to be the US Dollar, and the catalyst will be the bond market...then the Teslas and techs will follow suit

You want Crypto? Fine but it must be backed by US dollars and US banks, what you don't like that idea? ok no Crypto, it's our Crypto or none.

benefits in the shipping industry. The issue could be solved tomorrow. Companies won't do it thoughAnswer: Yes, once global supply chain issues get sorted out. Which means better wages

Nobody goes to their employer and ask for a raise based on inflation. These economists live in dreamland. Probably 50% of Americans dont even know what inflation is because they dont even know who is the VP of the country now.

The more I watch these short s I get this notion there pushing a narrative to make people just do as they want. Instead we must think outside of the box as too avoid group think

If you are spending 40% - 50% of your income on housing, you're screwed.