European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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Answer:  no.  Inflation 7%  once it starts and gains speed it cannot be slowed or stopped and could run for 6 - 8 years.

Not if the US government doesn't stop printing money

it#39s funny how youtube auto-translate Terra as Terror

Diversity and under-representation concerns with banking and minority wealth creation, CFTC and SEC common regulatory regimes, asset regulation properties and risk-gradientization vs binarization as "is security" or "is not security", spot Bitcoin ETF confusion despite futures ETF prices coming from spot prices, zk-snark-based tax ids and digital zk-based digital ids generally, FDIC insurrance on stablecoins taking into account USDC's similarities to and differences from a bank, CBDC principles, broker definition clarification and narrowing...all good stuff. Keep it up y'all! Looking forward to the next one.

There's a huge difference between high gas prices and no gas to buy.  That's when the sh*t will really hit the fan.

Shame. The congress knows nothing more than your typical no coiners

Tesla & SpaceX need a PURGE of all the LUDDITES and BLEGGERS at Tesla, then they are FREE to hire NEW.

4 of one percent for saving acct.'s & only 1.25% fot 5 yr. CD's!  Yes, mortgage interest was 17%, but houses sold for $40k & there were ways around paying that,  e.g.take over mortgages, purchase money mortgages, etc. I bought two houses then, that way!I'm 75 & will someone please explain why when we had high inflation in 1981, the banks were paying 12% to as much as 18% for 5 yr. CD's! Now, with ever spiraling inflation, we are getting an absurdly low .25% or 1

Unsustainable interests rates still shouldn't have crashed this early , plus they more than that in fees  providing liquidity on exchanges.  Plus the company was dissolved prior to this engagement, somethings off with this guy. And he knew things were going to go south.

moon boy  coin.. the moon himself lost millions - with his constant click bait posts, he looks so bad doing that.

rint about 10% of new money every year to have stable inflation (US and every county on earth done it for 100 years) and not get into a deflation spiral. In the last year, there was printed exactly 10% of the money supply of 2020, so in last year the US printed the exact amount of money they should.   

These regulators don't stand for Americans they refuse to