European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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Can inflation be stopped? Yes, stop money printing now.

Egregio sig. Musk invece di tagliare i dipendenti distribuisca una buona parte del suo patrimonio che tanto quando sara' la sua ora lascera' tutto qui anche lei come tutti.

We should believe in  and wall street right and what they say? LOL wake tf up ppl

This comment section has the most amount of crypto scam comments I#39ve ever seen

I use to be big fan of Elon but recently he is all over the place. Last week he was complaining about labor shortage. Now after one week he think he has too many workers. He is cutting workforce while he can't keep up with the demands and not accepting new car orders. Few days before that he was saying that he is worried about low birth rate and not having enough workers. Few days later he says he wants to make his car companies full automated with robots. And makes robots that makes other robots. Hey Elon, you decide if you need more babies from us to provide your labor or if you decide to make your robots. Elon you are our billionaire master and we are worthless slaves at your disposal.

This comment section has the most amount of crypto scam comments I#39ve ever seen

You need to get a trade! So you dont get a crap load of student debt and will always be needed!

Nobody goes to their employer and ask for a raise based on inflation. These economists live in dreamland. Probably 50% of Americans dont even know what inflation is because they dont even know who is the VP of the country now.

Too many people investing into things without understanding the fundamentals of the thing they#39re investing into.brbrReality check for anyone reading this:brbr1. If someone or something promises you 20% interest, when not even the biggest interest returning investments (REITS) can yield such large returns (when they#39re legally mandated to pay investors large portion of their profits), you should question where that money is coming from.brbr2. If something sounds too good to be true, it#39s probably not. The steep deviation from the normal interest payout in the investment world should#39ve been the biggest red flag of them all.brbrNot to mention, going back to the fundamentals - If you were investing into stable coins because you wanted to protect your savings from what#39s going on with real currencies, why would you put money into a system that balances it#39s value with an inflationary system? brbrThis ain#39t rocket science. brbrI really hope things work out for people who lost big on this. Truly, one of the most messed up financial stories in a while.

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