Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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I have a friend who has a childhood best friend who was bullied in school by this dude, he was generally a shitty person because they came from a well off family and got away with some much bs. I#39ve heard that the childhood friend was pleasantly bnotb surprised with how karma kicked this dude so hard. of course this is all word of mouth but I#39m going to safely assume this dude is all around a horrible person.

Wow, they do not talk about the real problem: the government deficit. So far this 2021: $6.8T spent, $4T collected from taxes. Simply, incompetence. A crash will come, they are just putting it off; flying higher, the fall will be harder.

few years ago, everyone said crypto markets were scams. Now, The House Financial services commitee treats the regulatory. The market and consequently THE PEOPLE have the power, not burocracy.

FED has been asleep, or deliberate sabotage is happening with money printer ( benefit the rich, at expense of poor). Stagflation is the next stop... especially under the "leadership" of the current administration

How can inflation exist in a zero interest climate where wages are stagnant? Sorry, being Australian I don't get that (Australia is big but our economy is medium sized).  It's different here. We have all the above but we are having a stupidly wild housing market - everywhere.  People are greedy & stupid, rates will rise. When the US ups it's interest rates, a lot of Australians will learn that a $1,000,000 loan on a $120,000 income is not wise.

In my life i have learned that whenever people propose  some fantastical business opportunity like you pay 10000$ today and in a week you get 18000$ I simply runaway. People that actually have that ability don#39t need your 10000$ to begin with

As the old saying goes :     "Keep printing and spending. Things will turn out ok."                                                          _Brandon_

Gross. Your comments are so filled with bots.brIf you viewers are so specifically targeted by these, it does raise some questions.

 is wrong on Tesla.  Tesla is barely getting started.

Not a single mention of the sudden increase in US currency that has caused the "bubble".  Take this  with a grain of salt.  You should always be wary of investing in anything.

hahaha im going to buy everything they mentioned here. retail is not stupid

Love your threads bro the music the narration voice it reminds me the days of Nokia#39s peak in smartphones when technology and entertainment was a rare thing to get handy... And love those days of Nokia 7210 supernova and 5130 express music....

When will incompetent and self serving  go out of business?