BlackRock: Away from stocks and bonds, recession is coming

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:46 PM

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Reading about people grabbing multi-figures monthly as income in investments even in this crazy days in the market,any pointers on how to make substantial progress in earnings?would be appreciated.....

Getting fuel prices back down would help tremendously to lower inflation on goods that are trucked around the country. Dealing with port congestion would also have a tremendous impact. The biggest cause of inflation, however, is the fact that the Fed added 35.7% to the USA money supply in just a year and a half. When you dilute the dollar by that much how can you NOT have inflation? That was a huge gift to Wall Street investors, of course, including our politicians in both parties. (Just look at the growth in the S&P 500 since that money printing started.) But for everyone else it means that their wages and their savings now have less buying power. Our government no longer represents we the people - neither party. Instead they represent the billionaires and corporations who fund their campaigns. This includes the wolves in sheep's clothing who feign outrage against the corporations and the rich. All you have to do is follow the money.

Why yes, stop printing money and BOOM inflation stops

I am new to the stock market. Every stock that I bought so far, I was out of luck because I bought them when they were expensive. I feel I missed on all the stock opportunities so far for the tech stocks.I believe having 75K yearly income would be a good investment so I want to plug all my savings into the stock market. I know this sounds a bit dull but I would like to know if I should learn investing or let somebody else (more capable like a FA) do it for me? Please share your thoughts. I am kind of tired of searching for a good stock to buy and loosing all the good opportunities :(

The smartest token in the world is Web3 Spark SPARK3, the first token that controls itself and not by owners or anyone else.

I see Bitcoin. I click on it. I know why MSNBC put that Bitcoin.

The Tesla selloff on the twitter bid was smart money seeing this huge potential failure.

3. DOJ Garland is afraid to do his job and wants others to pursue Trump in Civil Court 

Yeah ditch the corrupt democrats , pay close attention the the date things started inflating. Sometime around January this year wasnt it. Democrats give you a few cents with much media fanfare later they steal a drollery behind the scenes.

Issues can be solve by printing more to cover the last inflation rate

We can start by hanging Central Banksters for Treason...then most of Congress for allowing it...