New NFT cloud from Salesforce plunges into crypto

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:25 PM

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Lmao quotstable coinquot not very stable now is it! Everyone says savings account are terrible and money is being lost by inflation. Well guess what i still have my money because its government insured its not going to blow up into nowhere because its federal LOL

 newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin works, to help them recover loss from the crash and also accumulate more bitcoin, with his program i went from having 3.8BTC to 12.8BTC in just 5 weeks,<You can reach him on TE LE GRAM >>>> @LeonCalvintrade...<There's no doubt in my mind that we are not only going bull, but BTC is going nuclear. A lot of people are wondering if now is a good time to buy because of where the price is at right now. I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stack up more coins thereby making profiTs should be the way of lifeThat being said, the market is still all about BTC at the moment and I'll advise current investors and newbies to take advantage of Leon Calvin program, a pro trader who runs a training program for investors

No currency can be stable if you don't control the rate of flow in and out.

Trimming the fat from TESLA becomes a negative by the Traders but a positive by the Investors.

You are not talking about fed printing money and the government spending during covid.

just by hearing the first 30 seconds of this thread anyone with half a brain should know its a scam lmao. 10% could be realistic but no way 20%

Yes. Stop to freaking print more dollars

Lmao imagine saying that inflation happens because someone asks for a raise. What about not lying for once? People are desperately asking for a raise trying to keep up with the rampant inflation that money printing creates

This channel is owned by the Federal Reserve Bankster Family Cartel that has been robbing us sense 1913  Duh!!!!    And funds all wars, both sides fools!!!

Mr.Brooks and Allaire were solid. Totally flawless delivery. Spot on in every way possible.

He's just depressed that Tesla is only 1000 time more than fair value rather than 2000 times.  That and he would love it to crash as he is sitting on huge piles of cash so he could walk in and buy up anything for pennies on the dollar if he can psych people out.

13:03. So much BS.  The Fed is going to keep interest rates near zero because if they don't the government wouldn't be able to service its own debts.

Inflation is running out of control - sad to say