The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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Yes congress just need to come out with a law defining what a digital asset is and then wont have the deal with the SEC who is only after one thing their pockets to full but hid it through strict regulation

This is a great way to solve the problem. Pose a question via a  , then let the r commentators provide a robust solution with their extensive collective background in economic and monetary theory.

Dude will rationalize losing all investors money. 2020 gave rise to so many falsehoods.

Who will buy those Teslas and those starbucks coffees? Other than AOC.

watch?v=3-dvi1f_2vA&t=386s&ab_channel= - There will be no inflation in the future  2020www..comhttps:

Urgent Alert !!    More mass shooting will happen if DOJ Garland doesnt arrest top Trumpist! 

 and alteryx basically are the same company

Get rid of the fed go back on the gold standard stop endless bills and spending, dump the tax code and re write the entire thing so Amazon, Google and the like pay taxes on actual earnings not something made up. Most people pay more taxes by % of what they make then these big companies. Entire system is built to help the 1%.

Wow,  ends on massive punch line. Mic drop.

... ...dropping bombs and killing it ...the future is here