With latest sale, Elon Musk has sold nearly $12 billion of Tesla stock in past m

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:24 PM

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I just made my first $20,000 in cryptocurrency  I'm so glad I'm gonna have a successful retirement.

GME reached $ 483 not 347, why you can't make a  or a news not even once without getting something wrong

Call me crazy, but i see a correlation between higher inflation and happier times. At least more stable in general terms... I'm only 40. Anyone older can back me up on this??

after graduation, I learned something from I can't forget,  people don't want to fix problems so to take advantage of it. inflation cant be stopped because people up there makes use of it.  low interest rates has little to do with growth, it only grows the financial markets. growth is about the people providing innovation or output.

Lock downs wiped out savings as people dipped into funds just to survive. New taxes, Inflation and regulations wiping out home ownership. Welcome to Feudal America.

How is it that CEO's can keep sending their own pay to the moon isn't brought up when talking of price increases, but paying a living wage to employees will cause inflation and the end of the economy?

Inflation is part of the plan. Just like the vaccine mandates. You will own nothing and be happy.  Rich get richer, Poor get poorer.

anti trust   would show that the so called  inflation is a lie. its corp price gouging  .

few years ago, everyone said crypto markets were scams. Now, The House Financial services commitee treats the regulatory. The market and consequently THE PEOPLE have the power, not burocracy.