With latest sale, Elon Musk has sold nearly $12 billion of Tesla stock in past m

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:24 PM

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when? when tesla, bitcoin and another market will want to pop their bubble

When he first started speaking and straighten his eyeglasses you knew he was going in

Do you know anything you are talking  not just for clikbait ??

How much did that lady pay cbnc? She doesnt seem have much expertise except mumbling meaningless words.

The US Federal Reserve on stopping inflation: "Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but shorn't... What part of shorn't don't you understand??"

<The year 2021 has been like a rollercoaster so far. The markets started off with a bang, with Redditors gathering and shaking up Wall Street by trading Gamestop stocks. Then, Bitcoin started spinning the charts up and down, Ethereum surprised pretty much everyone with its price hikes, altcoins started booming like never before (just think about DOGE), new market actors even rushed in to join the race. After all this, if you are still on the fence about getting in because you are worried that its too late to get started then you have to trade with the guidance of a professional<In three weeks of trading I have been able to make 9 btc using signals from Liam Noah. he can easily be reached on Telegram as [ liamnoahs ]

What changed in 3 days. Now your saying the economy is great. Lmfao  State ran media.... its funny how after meeting with bidens white house and they told you to stop talking negative about the economy.  We know the Economy is crashing. How do we know? We see it in everyday life. Unlike you guys we actually live in the real world trying to get by.  While the rich can sit back.

No govt in the world can control inflation permanently unless they design people friendly policy prioritising public welfare instead of indulging too much on corporate giants as has been doing since decades. Unfortunately, all global leaders (so called) have turned themselves into slave  (may be puppet) of business magnets which is due to lack of statesmanship in their character. Needless to say that the benefits (legal and financial) offered to corporate houses as compared to common people in most of the countries shows incapability of policymakers to nullify social and economic disparity. At the end, the emphasis developed nations are giving in arms trade to generate revenue and security from other nations will put them under unmanageable socioeconomic disaster unless they change their mindset towards real wellbeing of common mass who elected them imposing tightest possible restrictions and vigilance on all corporate bodies.

BoA just started charging me the monthly $12 checking account maintenance fee again.

<<There's no doubt in my mind that we are not only going bull, but BTC is going nuclear. A lot of people are wondering  newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin works, to help them recover loss from the crash and also accumulate more bitcoin, with his program i went from having 3.8BTC to 12.8BTC in just 5 weeks.<You can reach him on TE LE GRAM >>>> @LeonCalvintrade.if now is a good time to buy because of where the price is at right now. I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stack up more coins thereby making profiTs should be the way of lifeThat being said, the market is still all about BTC at the moment and I'll advise current investors and newbies to take advantage of Leon Calvin program, a pro trader who runs a training program for investors