Forex Today: British Pound Hits 2021 Low

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:36 PM

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Can the Federal Reserve control inflation?  The Federal Reserve is causing inflation.  Stop printing money.  Biden administration needs to stop spending so much money and allow oil companies to drill.  It's not complicated.

To AOC that throws softballs on these CEOs: if I will be living in a society where everybody is an opportunist trading cryptos, I would rather DIE. Thank you.

Turkey  is like they get to print trillions and my currency is worthless

Yes, They can. Just chant Lets Go Brandon till you finally get what it means.

Black Americans need the government funding to start business and they know help black Americans become owners

Why do we allow a 3rd party (CFTC) to manipulate crypto prices!!?? Do you know why crypto was invented? Here's a brief understanding if you don't know__It was launched in 2009 by someone (or a group of people) that goes by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It was created in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis as a way for people to control their money themselves, without having to rely on companies, banks, or governments and their fees and controls-NOW ITS TAXED!

Just saw that inflation just reached 6.8% (the highest in 39 years). If Jpow doesn't stop with his printer, inflation in 2022 could be wild af

My homeboy apartment complex just increased his rent by over $400..wages are up 3% but inflation is at 6%

Maybe don't do anymore stimulus payments because all they do is create more USD

ıs  enemy of tesla or what !! fckıng anımals ! calls urself ınvestors or lıars fırst place!

a pound of apples sold for 1,29, and bought for less than 6ct at the holy "international market". all of us are falling for the grocery store scam. and the best is, you folks now start buying stuff at a local farmers market? those apples should be costing less than one Dollar a pound for sure. more likely one Dollar per Kilo. or do you fall for the "buy local" scam now?

Some segments in the  are stamped not adjacent to each other

Love 's s, learning so much about US