How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:41 PM

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No govt in the world can control inflation permanently unless they design people friendly policy prioritising public welfare instead of indulging too much on corporate giants as has been doing since decades. Unfortunately, all global leaders (so called) have turned themselves into slave  (may be puppet) of business magnets which is due to lack of statesmanship in their character. Needless to say that the benefits (legal and financial) offered to corporate houses as compared to common people in most of the countries shows incapability of policymakers to nullify social and economic disparity. At the end, the emphasis developed nations are giving in arms trade to generate revenue and security from other nations will put them under unmanageable socioeconomic disaster unless they change their mindset towards real wellbeing of common mass who elected them imposing tightest possible restrictions and vigilance on all corporate bodies.

What if the inflation is grow faster than the bubble? Can I call it "Slow-mo popping bubble?"

So.... Inflation has nothing to do with the fact that we printed 40% of all US dollars in the last year? Interesting.

If gas jumped 50% and cars jumped 25% then no way inflation is at 6%...

The Federal Reserves needs to stop printing money for the private and public sector for a whole year. Then have a Interest rate of 1% for the next year.  This will force the federal government to raise corporate tax from 21% to 50%. Close corporate tax loop holes and tax breaks.   To still insetive investment the federal government needs to abolish the capital gains tax and replace it with a 3% wealth tax on anyone who has 10 million dollars or more in stocks, bonds, precious metals, foreign and domestic currencies.  The Federal government will have double the pay roll tax. Abolish income tax for anyone making less than one hundred thousand dollars a year. While having a 50% income tax on anyone who makes a million dollars or more with no tax breaks.  The Federal government needs to abolish the federal fuel tax and replace it with a progressive land added tax.

I don't think the government wants to stop inflation, they want it to increase to diminish the burden of the debt.

Bitcoin right now doesnt have fundamental value. Tell that to Tesla, Square, Cathy Wood, Goldman Sachs, CitiBank, Morgan Stanley.  Cant believe idiots like this get paid to be stupid.

Biggest bubble is the government printing money like there is value in it. The money is simply going to many of these investments as a way to keep up with inflation. Rich get richer no matter what.

Jeff why are you whispering man speak up

It takes the  24 seconds to bring the first completely wrong statement.   Valerie Wilson: Nobody likes Inflation.  Somebody who has material assets for example in brick and mortar and also huge financial liabilities like a mortgage can like inflation as it is going help him to pay back the money he owes.

Inflation is an expansion of the money supply, period!  Rising prices are the consequence.

Yes it can.  Re-Elect Donald J Trump