Why Microsoft Stock Dropped Today

Started by OZER, Dec 14, 2021, 11:42 PM

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Idek why Im watching this omaon

Do Americans really realize that the FED is not a part of the federal government......?  that it is a privately owned corporation by a few oligarchs......using only the people's consent to print money, as its capital, they buy everything and own everything..  After printing so much money, it then buys up stocks, bonds, treasuries, properties, and OWN everything, but the "money" used to buy them, is added to our $29 trillion national debt...wtf.  Great scam, isn't it...and the name is very clever to hide the private ownership...the FED..  Why are we allowing this...?  China doesnt have the equivalent, instead it has the People's Bank of China, therefore everything is owned by the Chinese people...instead of a few rich capitalists....who never invested, in the first place.....who are these people?  The communist CPC is not evil, as we say,  afterall. No wonder China is in a better place than the US.

Should be titled "Can the government spending and Fed printing be stopped?"


Well, once you've printed the money, no, you can't stop inflation. Prices have to rise to adjust to the new amount of money in circulation. But it could have been not caused in the first place by not printing trillions of dollars. And while you can't stop the inflation that's going to hit on account of the money already printed, you can stop yet more inflation but not printing yet more money.Of course the powers that be will claim they are going to somehow fiat and decree inflation into submission, yet keep printing like crazy, then be baffled and surprised how and why inflation keeps going even though they issued fiat and decree saying no more inflation. Why won't the economy just obey our fiat and decree? We _said_ no more inflation, why won't it just stop? And oh, since it won't stop, we'll just say that actually what we want and should have!

I can say McHenry did his homework. He is quite knowledgeable about the topic.

Guys ....move your money to Bitcoins

Ms Dixon representing a copy and paste crypto . She talks like her company is pure genius.

hey guys remember when you wanted minimum wage to be 15 bucks an hour? remember when we all warned you prices would go up? now look at you... so many people complaining about inflation... you got what you asked for...  when you make more money... that money doesn't just poof out of no were... it has to be earned because companies are already paying out in labor typically close to their max allowed budget that still allows just enough for a good profit for that store.

Sure it can be stopped .. its transitory

Housing is a thing. Its a necessity. Now: Lumber is a thing. Its a necessity.

I mean if you consider GME and AMC's current prices compared to pre-2021 prices...I wouldn't say the bubble "burst" completely which I'd equate more to it going at similar levels or below their pre-pumped levels.

People in 2030 Tesla is in a bubble it shouldnt be a 10T company it only has 40% margin and half of the EV market

4 of one percent for saving acct.'s & only 1.25% fot 5 yr. CD's!  Yes, mortgage interest was 17%, but houses sold for $40k & there were ways around paying that,  e.g.take over mortgages, purchase money mortgages, etc. I bought two houses then, that way!I'm 75 & will someone please explain why when we had high inflation in 1981, the banks were paying 12% to as much as 18% for 5 yr. CD's! Now, with ever spiraling inflation, we are getting an absurdly low .25% or 1