Monday morning open levels - indicative forex prices - 20 December 2021

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:40 AM

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Thanks to I got my  credit score fixed up,and I got the check of $7k delivered yesterday,you are the best to deal with.

Money is an issue that everyone has for a better and luxurious life.  Life was hard for me until I started making profits on my investment with the help of Mia Linda

Is this person right to think graduate degrees give more skills? I thought working in the job did that.

"Lumber's a thing" So were Tulips. That's not a good reason to consider something NOT a bubble.

Thanks you American and Eropean to build China MONEY for Military, so China have STROOONG WEAPON  now for WAR.

LOL when I hear the 2 % preferred rule... Have they ever done a good job of keeping that the average rate.. LOL! I think the average rate has been more closer to like 3 or 4% over the last 40 years, let me know if Im wrong. I like learning more than I like being right by a lot.

Cathy Wood sez Value will be slammed in 2022  Over supply

Also, i cant wait until congress finds out that if you type the wrong address when transferring wallets, you lose all your money. Lol. Clearly will be forced to be fixed.

4oOTvtupND8), along with other testimony.youtu.beanswer from Brian Brooks about stablecoins was edited out of the release that congress put out (1:O8in that https:1:13:28 this question