Forex Forecast: Pairs in Focus

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:44 AM

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booster shots are inflationary. Who's paying for tests and vaccines? Your purchasing power. When government interferes with the working class and businesses through more and more regulation, does that increase output or decrease output? It decreases output causing higher prices for goods and services. Bill Gates' carbon tax to fund his chalk marks in the sky. Is that carbon tax inflationary or deflationary? It's inflationary. There is zero benefit to the middle class by flying airplanes spraying dust into the atmosphere. The entire process is inflationary.

The hate that all the media such as , ABC and others have on testa seriously

Nobody wants to pay more, yet the same people no want to charge less

The Federal Reserve is destroying our country.

Stop inflation and Joe Biden policies..IMPEACH BIDEN

If USA does not want this technology to go to other countries like El Salvador, Russia etc. they should really leave some freedom for the Crypto Space. Trying to keep it down may work on short term, on long term it will just make it grow somewhere else.

We are all screwed for years to come no matter how much you own. We are all in debt for a long time. Expect your taxes and rents to stay up ⬆️ for years while average wage struggle to keep up. Way to go Powell!!! Poor get poorer and the gap between the rich and poor to widen and poverty to get worse This will be worse than 2008.. god bless us all

Stop increasing money supply to stop inflation. Econ 101

We all know why gas prices are up so why do they blame it on inflation?