Is Ford Stock the New Tesla?

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:51 AM

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In simple words : inflation form when you eat more than your earnings.

It was cause by US China Trade War. Banning and Tax Chinese Cheap Goods , China also restrict their export    causing Demand over Supply. Taxing Chinese goods eventually cause price of cheap goods goes higher and China revenge US by restrict their export to slow down their supply chain. China is slow down their economy to hurt US even more. By the way World are facing Inflation  cause by US China trade war

Can not stop bcoz u still print money to wall street and create more wealth gap. Delay to increase interest to help big tech cos. DONT LIE TO ME AND US PPL.

did they talk about governance tokens at all?

Interesting that few commentators talk about the recent record growth in the money supply. For these folks its as if the price level is somehow independent of the quantity of money.

Stop increasing money supply to stop inflation. Econ 101

Listening Ms Velasquez is painful

Santoshi nakatomo told us this, "that's why support bitcoin"

We are all thankful for Mr Brooks

Something is going on in the world  and dealing with the sells of idea

An an Argentinian, let me explain Inflation to you: Gov' needs to have the money to pay all it's checks. So it prints it, but since wealth is not created by printing money it has to take it from somewhere. So, they take the wealth from the people via inflation... a non legislated tax

The economy is in transition from a 20th century to a 21st century economy. They are wanting to use 19th century tools to try and fix it