Is Ford Stock the New Tesla?

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:51 AM

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Funny how nobody mentioned "stealing" as an equivalent of gambling in bubbles. Commoners blame Wall Street for this speculative behavior, yet copy them...

The fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish. while others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. i would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 3.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 15 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Brice Chapman

Stop f***ing printing money. The more money is printed, the less valuable the money in circulation is going to be resulting in Inflation. Classic examples are Venezuela, Zimbabwe.

I hope everything crashes and burns so i can start buying out.

Everyone knows that with 0 interest rates, the inflation cannot remain transitory. It twill keep going up.

I think I should buy a bubble and put in my bubble

Дислеймер, не финансовый совет*

commerce educated) opinion, the most bubbly thing right now? S&P 500.OK I hate how their definition of a bubble is super unclear. Tulips were also a "thing", like lumber, and in 1600s Netherlands that was the DEFINITION of a bubble. So I'm going to take a stab at this definition - Supply chain causing shortage is not a buf, bubbles exist on a scale. In my (not economicallybble, because demand has not gone up due to speculation. Seriously, who's going to speculate on lumber? Maybe a few individuals, but speculation itself is difficult to do, and everyone believed prices will come down. Housing right now is more of a bubble, because demand has gone up due to the pandemic, it's drawing investors, and creating a cycle of inflating prices. But Odyssey guy is right, there is a supply issue too. Prices going us is not a bubble, speculation and investors over-stretching due to FOMO creates a bubble. It's also not a boolean t

Buy Bitcoin or get destroyed by inflation.

gme a bubble. Lots more in this  was off. Must be lobbyists. Too  bad my dislike wont matter.These people made little sense calling amc

yr50 should lvl out b4 we make another run. Housing is also related to money printing, if you put 50% more money in the hands of the public obviously house prices will adjust to that... this ones just not in a bubble at all, will likily keep rising 5-10%so if gme went from 2 bucks to over 300 i have no problem with a 50% correction, it is in fact not in a bubble as its shorted 120% again (yes its not worth the current price but the shorts will have to cover)... id rather make a 200% gain and watch it lose 50% than a 30% gain on the year. btc movement is directly related to the dilution of currencies globally, it's been overleveraged by longs and the recent correction was those folks getting liquidated, once its closer to 50

We should believe in  and wall street right and what they say? LOL wake tf up ppl

Nice  Expert  Katherine has really Taught me the better way or trading