AOC pushed back on Nancy Pelosi's stance against banning congressional stock-tra

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:54 AM

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 permaculture is a greater investment than graduate school for those wanting to live abroad

I like cryptocurrency, because it's feature rich & secure. I hate cryptocurrency, because pf the possibility of mining.

Powell did the biggest blunder in recent history of monetary policy. Lagarde is worse but it's not a blunder in her case, it's intentional. Madam Inflation wants high inflation in the eurozone. Buy a car today because next year you'll pay 50% more. Lots of printing + lots of savings + pent up demand + supply shortages + investors hedging against inflation = there's no stopping in prices now. Germany planning to increase minimum wage by 25%.

7:45 The Phillips Curve trend line is deeply problematic. Just look at the actual underlying data points: all data points at 2.5% unemployment demonstrate resulting inflation hovering around 1% inflation.

Yes. Raise interest rates and stop the fed from printing money

Powell did the biggest blunder in recent history of monetary policy. Lagarde is worse but it's not a blunder in her case, it's intentional. Madam Inflation wants high inflation in the eurozone. Buy a car today because next year you'll pay 50% more. Lots of printing + lots of savings + pent up demand + supply shortages + investors hedging against inflation = there's no stopping in prices now. Germany planning to increase minimum wage by 25%.

Youre not gonna need a graduate degree. Many coding jobs dont even require a bachelors anymore. Gotta love legacy media and their Boomer advice.

BoA just started charging me the monthly $12 checking account maintenance fee again.

Yes finally someone is mentioning the qualifications creep. Inflation is also in a way in the cost of getting a job. whie automation might generate more jobs #doubt its also killing all the low paying low skilled jobs that you can get with less education, the new jobs will require higher education which require more money, meaning the cost of getting a job is increased tremendously. This will badly affect the social mobility and deepen the class divides.