AOC pushed back on Nancy Pelosi's stance against banning congressional stock-tra

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:54 AM

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The  is a bit misleading...  1. They were looking at price change rather than volatility (ie. Variances in price change over time). Whenever there are more participants in a market exchange, prices will fluctuates.  It just means more capital shifted into the market.  2. Cryptocurrency, Tesla, GME and AMC, etc had something much more... it was a way for the little guys (ie. Retail investors) to give the middle finger to the institutional investors and big banks. And it worked. Lol. It was about democractic shift even worrying the Governments...  3. Every new asset class in the  are from emerging markets.  Tesla is leading the EV industry. Bitcoin is leading the Crypto industry. Low fee stock ownership are leading the way for retail investors...

Inflation is a tax on poor consumers.. It cannot be stopped, not as long as the federal reserve and fractional banking system exists. It is nothing less than modern serfdom

socialist has worked out for them. Keep voting for the democrat party and we will all enjoy the equality of poverty.socialist economic policies always fail,and only lead to the collapse of a nations economy. Just ask the people of Venezuela how voting for liberalsWhy are people surprised inflation is rising? History has proven time and time again that liberal

I'm glad they called out Gensler during this. That guy is a joke

Black Americans need the government funding to start business and they know help black Americans become owners

real information rather than your study Every time  publishes a study, I just look at the title, pause the  and go thru the comments to find out why... no offence  but the comments section is full of actual

They are missing the most important piece of this bubble story : massive money supply increases.

10:44 the arrogance of this guy,  get off your phone how disrespectful to the man sitting directly behind you can you be. you know the camera is on so do you not conduct yourself with the the professional dignity your job deserves. he has disrespected the people he works with and himself.