BBC Bitcoin mining report used in crypto-scam

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:56 AM

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As expected, Bitcoin hit its all-time high. The long volatile path to the top is expected to begin now that I expect Bitcoin to peak around Christmas. We often see the altcoins follow in the two weeks after that when Bitcoin makes a move, which could explain the recent surge in Ethereum and Solana. As big as Bitcoin is now, it's only a fraction of what it will be, so it's never too late, an important tip is to follow the guidance of a professional < In three weeks of trading I was able to get 9.2 BTC with signals of MARC FITZ do. they can be easily reached on Telegram as [MarcFitz_signals]

Cathy Wood sez Value will be slammed in 2022  Over supply

However, there are drastic up and down turns and movements in the crypto market roughly every 4 years, the up and down turns, bull and bear market are broken into halves more or less and are associated with the Bitcoin halving cycle. So it is actually somewhat very predicable. We even have rough ideas of where it can likely go within a time. If X,Y,Z happens. There is also movement based on news and adoption associated with main stream companies and industries, along with entire cities adopting or working with, here in the U.S and small national countries around the world...

The only thing that'll stop inflation is hyperinflation.

How can inflation exist in a zero interest climate where wages are stagnant? Sorry, being Australian I don't get that (Australia is big but our economy is medium sized).  It's different here. We have all the above but we are having a stupidly wild housing market - everywhere.  People are greedy & stupid, rates will rise. When the US ups it's interest rates, a lot of Australians will learn that a $1,000,000 loan on a $120,000 income is not wise.

Certainly not Bitcoin. Try house prices.

Easy take $17t in wealth tax and tax evasion, and pay back fed. This removes $17t from economy and from those who either need it nor allocate it well.

Tesla is not in a bubble. IMO it's undervalued but  has an agenda against Tesla since they're paid by the ICE industry.

stupid take, the oil price has dropped, it should hult it a little. we can take a page from athens, just produce too much oil

yr50 should lvl out b4 we make another run. Housing is also related to money printing, if you put 50% more money in the hands of the public obviously house prices will adjust to that... this ones just not in a bubble at all, will likily keep rising 5-10%so if gme went from 2 bucks to over 300 i have no problem with a 50% correction, it is in fact not in a bubble as its shorted 120% again (yes its not worth the current price but the shorts will have to cover)... id rather make a 200% gain and watch it lose 50% than a 30% gain on the year. btc movement is directly related to the dilution of currencies globally, it's been overleveraged by longs and the recent correction was those folks getting liquidated, once its closer to 50