The First Silver Miner Jumped ! 288% Up In a Year ?

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 10:54 PM

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low is comparing to what? What is the benchmark for hammer stick? Thank uOn 23 min you explain candle examples, but I dont understand 38% of high

PLEASE STOP Making mouth noises and sounds it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to listen to you for a long amount of time. I have insanely bad misophonia and you consistently make chewing related sounds while speaking. Sorry not sorry.

Thank you . I like the way you present all the info.

The best  I ever saw for this. Subscribed!  But I have a question: At 21:00 you show a 382 (pin bar) and suggest this is bullish.  But two candles earlier there's another which (to me) also appears to correlate with the longer term upward trend.  On the day that was printed would I act on it?  In other words is the second bullish pin bar "better" than the first?  And why?  Thanks..

The sharp sauce natively scare because veterinarian unusually moan athwart a glistening glorious offer. detailed, deafening red

i want to hear a candle stick story! thats why i subscribe more power bro.

I'm understanding the moving average when go into saying x1, x2, x3, etc. please help me understand

He sounds like a shi fu. Always listen carfully. This guide is a must for beginners. Mentor: "Lets do this shall we?" Me: "Yes please!"

25:48 Why is the bullish engulfing pattern left of the bearish one not valid? Likewise there are two 38.2% candles, one bullish and one bearish that precede the opposite expected move.

Lol, from a retail trader, I see the market so differently now and cant look back.  is the REAL DEALLLLLL!