Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:21 PM

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Maxine Waters lowered the hearings IQ average by 20 points.

Tesla is bubble? You call yourself analyst and journalist? You really have no idea what you guys are talking about. Just mix up some other messed up companies with TSLA does not make it a bubble.  is shady. Shame on you. I would like to know who sponsored this manipulative ?

President's pay goes DOWN in the US.  AI is a viable, looming threat and this is not a conspiracy theory.  It's already doing stock trades faster than any human has a chance to.14:47 - The trades are such a field that is being neglected.  1 year and an apprenticeship can get you a $100k job.  I am not kidding and have met some earning more than that annually.  The day a computer is smarter than a CEO in predicting any consumer market is the day the modern CEO

What can be seen as a problem could also be seen as an opportunity. I am thinking of people in their mid thirties who have felt trapped by student or other types of debt. Those costs are fixed so if people in early to mid career can trade up to a better job with higher pay they are in better shape.

How much did that lady pay cbnc? She doesnt seem have much expertise except mumbling meaningless words.

In a world full of innovation and technology, in a constantly changing world, the USA has Al Lawson.

Did someone ask Coinbase about their non existent customer service

When you give steel and lumber prices can you give units with those too.