A former U.S. Treasurer on crypto investing in 2022: ‘The train has already left

Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:23 PM

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I didn't know Bob Saget was Brain brooks uncle. Very interesting discussion .

Just gotta say that the idea that you shouldn't invest in companies that don't make money is so ridiculous it's crazy. Companies like Uber have never made money yet are seen as legitimate investments

It's pretty simple when it comes to economics and or war time last person you want running the country is a Democrat anyone with a functional brain knows this

After long consideration of the facts counterfeiting money, credit cards and fraudulent methods of payment should no longer carry a penalty.  What's good for the goose.

If you want maximum safety, regular dividends, and regular price gains, then buy the five largest Canadian banks. They are Royal Bank of Canada (RY), Toronto Dominion Bank (TD), Bank of Montreal (BMO), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), and CIBC Bank (CM). But don't take my word for it. Research the history of these bank stocks. Maybe in three or four years from now, you will be thanking me after your stock portfolio keeps going up. People will always require banking services.

hour.If wages actually raised with productivity; the minimum wage would be upwards of +$20

Well... stop printing money. That should work...  Also put it back on the gold standard... that would also work...

THE TRAIN CANNOT BE STOPPED. you can throw band aids at cancer patients it doesn't do anything.  Get ready for the reset.

If you think tech wont disrupt every aspect of our life I wont listen to you

Really nothing new has been said here. Is there a risk of overvaluation in the market? Then, diversify your positions. That's investing 101.