Forex Today: Turkish Lira’s Spectacular Rebound on Emergency Package

Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:26 PM

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Friday CPI report is going to be a bloodbath for the market

hey guys remember when you wanted minimum wage to be 15 bucks an hour? remember when we all warned you prices would go up? now look at you... so many people complaining about inflation... you got what you asked for...  when you make more money... that money doesn't just poof out of no were... it has to be earned because companies are already paying out in labor typically close to their max allowed budget that still allows just enough for a good profit for that store.

Inflation is a tax on consumers that doesnt require a vote in Congress.

Дислеймер, не финансовый совет*

Are the people in charge of the Federal Reserve voting their own financial interests or those of the very rich or their own obligation to the country?

I think the point is US citizens are sick of the laws and regulations that makes business and growth overly complicated and down right not worth the investment in emerging technology. The US government is killing the ability for the USA to compete in the world market with over regulation.

This  is an advertisement for value investing and not a  about bubbles. Misleading information. Let's take gamestop,  says that the bubble popped and that it lost 50% of its value from its all time high, which is true, but very misleading. Gamestop might be down 50% from its top, but is still up around 3000% from the beginning of 2020. How can you say that the bubble has popped?? If you are going to compare everything from its all time high, it looks like almost everything is a bubble.   Even simple facts in this  don't make sense. For example: 2:56 they say that dogecoin is 'down over 90%' . If the high is 0,74$ and its down 90%, the price would be 0,07$, but its around the 0,20$. That's a 73% drop, not a 'over 90%' drop. Or if you want to show tesla's all time high, just google all time high and you'll see that it's not 1209,75$. It is 1243.49$ on 4 november. Come on ...

The base of all this roots to the crazy real estate prices , Rest all are increasing like Gas, Food etc...Arrest Real Estate Prices, and rest will fall in line!!

Go Mr Gonzalez! Super excited to see that congress isn't nearly what the media has made  them out to be. However, very disappointed in my two female reps from Michigan. Very embarrassing. They will only be forgotten because Mr. Sherman was even more ignorant

Inflation will stop if we stop creating money from thin air and raise interest rates.  Simple.

Love this! Lets see if this helps the dinosaurs  evolve in their prehistoric way of thinking.

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