FOREX: Turnover in I&E window faces decline

Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:29 PM

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As a landlord with multiple fixed rates mortgages, I really, really like inflation.

Don't worry guys, they said it's transitory... also the Vax is perfectly safe.

Consume and waste less. Stop over using  gas guzzlers for your commute. Don't waste energy (power and utilities). That should help.

The next bubble to go is Chinese Real Estate.

Biggest bubble is the government printing money like there is value in it. The money is simply going to many of these investments as a way to keep up with inflation. Rich get richer no matter what.

Inflation is a product of labor and pay checks not spending by the Fed and business Republicans would like to increase the labor shortage by keeping the Mexican labor their donors are bring in out of the country. The shortage probably comes because people in their 60s and 70s used the pandemic to retire. And labor shortages may not mean everyone is employed, rural people who won't go to a job are not going to be employed. The last 10 or 20% of employment are people with similar problems, some failed to be motivated and reliable maybe before high school, others say I don't want to work at Walmart or Amazon, and other personal issues that lead to a life of mostly unemployment.

It is clear that crypto CEOs should be running our financial system.

Definition of Inflation (new): When you take an large amount of words to explain the interest rate concept AND ultimately at minute 13-14 get to the FEDs "plan" of WAIT AND SEE approach.  When this happens you have to question why this piece was created. What is true agenda?

@crypto is to perfect and can do on a global scale what Democrats are incapable of doing. That's. why  all democrats MUST destroy it, they will do anything,  in there power to destroy CRYPTO'  for the sole reason THEY CAN'T steel anymore  FROM THE PEOPLE only thing the ARE  NOT SMART ENOUGH

Food and Energy prices seem to affect more Citizens than the other effects..... The FED seems to overlook a lot of citizens when they review prices....

The bubble will pop in accordance to what monetary and fiscal policy allows. Allow interest rates to rise and the bubble pops. Allow inflation to run and the bubble grows. Pick your poison.   Good luck everyone, stay safe.

It's not  crisis for the rich.....    why would the government want to stop it ?

Inflation is inevitable. What you can do is print money faster than inflation

I thought I save you the time...the answer is no...