Dow jumps 560 points as market rebounds from omicron-triggered 3-day slide

Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:30 PM

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Yeah, raise interest rates by .25% every 6 months until you reach 2%, then stop! The reason raising rates screws up the economy is that they go too fast. Give those Fed governors each a lollypop and tell them to chill. 3% is too high and it will accelerate economic decline.  Productivity has increased per actual human man hours. If you go by dollars per productivity, it will be wrong every time. Union busting has contributed to income inequality. The Fed always overreacts in either direction. They actually cause instability.

Out of all the crypto currencies out there, Stellar XLM was chosen. Pay attention, they will play a huge part in the future of finance in not only the US but globally!

Can it be stopped? Not until a senile old man quits printing money.

Wow, they do not talk about the real problem: the government deficit. So far this 2021: $6.8T spent, $4T collected from taxes. Simply, incompetence. A crash will come, they are just putting it off; flying higher, the fall will be harder.

As long as both sides of the political aisle over spend wildly like they have for decades now (and then blame each other) we'll continue to swirl the drain.  Politicians on BOTH SIDES have caused this crisis, but hey don't worry about them, if things collapse they'll eat well and have bunkers to hide in.

I believe that US gov. will not make this situation getting worse.

Why the Tesla Logo in the thumbnail?? Tesla isn't a bubble im so so sorry .  Yesterday Wallstreet increased the price to 1580 dollars

Ok, the dude talking about hamster coin hasnt got the slightest clue as to whats happening here. Eth replacing Bitcoin is like saying that a car could replace a washing machine.  And then he goes on to complain about coorperations, banks, and wall street making money off of this, of course he is right, they are and will continue to just like they did with everything else. Of course he does not mention the many lives that were changed for the better due to the tech, many of which had next to nothing before they found crypto, and the many that will be change simply because of the access they will gain to the global financial system of the future. There will always be those who seek to capitalize on anything they can.  And then he complains about fees, yea coinbase might be a bit expensive, but the crypto exchanges are just a small part of the over all industry, and I don't think he has the slightest clue as to what this industry is. The exchange is simply an on ramp, once you are on, and move off exchange, there are no more third parties to deal with. The fees you pay on the blockchains go to the ones who support the networks, which is a widely diversified population as opposed to a few CEOs or bankers or wall street elites. This industry provides opportunity for anyone and everyone who decides to come in.  And no, it will not ruin the dollar, there are many reasons why this tech could help boost the dollar in the years to come. If the dollar fails, the most likely reason for this will be the goverment itself. The United States needs to get ahead and stay ahead in the crypto industry if it is going to keep its place, its monetary dominance in the world.

out researching, because it sounds good.I have to say that in my experience (as a stand-by) the bubble is usually something people jump into, w

Old farts probably don't even know what the CEO's are taking about.

Stop inflation is stopping raising price of the products Way before that stop private bankers lake federal reserve control United States currency The trouble started when Woodrow Wilson sold out America and Americans People in to federal reserve crooked banking On December 24 1913 Make no deferent Who getting to be elected Republicans or slow democrat's Everybody's Who can control the currency can control the country

 heard dislikes were hidden and used that title just to taunt the masses