AUDCAD: Potential Ascending Channel

Started by OZER, Dec 23, 2021, 08:20 PM

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My life are like colorful flowers in a beautiful garden. Thank you⬆️ for making my life colorful!!!

What happend if market didn't create wyckoff distribution structure? Will we miss the trade?

One of the best  out there explaining these s*it , love u mate

the more i try to understand this stuff the more i get lost :(

Great content, these rules you mentioned are top-notch. I have been making huge ROI on my trade investment thanks to my expert guide but when I see good content I appreciate it.

Made it to the end ...but I am just a beginner

TAKE NOTE> Try close an account with TD Ameritrade and transfer the money to another bank and you're in for a major nightmare. Eight months into the process and money is still not in my account. Look into www, and and its the norm for TD Ameritrade to fool clients. Money with TD Ameritrade is not your money. I reported this to the Nebraska Department of Banking & Finance and the ECB and I will be scaling this issue at federal level.

Hi, do you have a twitter? If not you should

Gosh! I wish you could mentor me. You're awesome!! God bless you.

I really appreciate your efforts by impacting so many people I have been following up your  page for some while now and I must confess you doing well please help me to win the mentorship please life has been hitting me real hard with funds my Instagram page is @jaaayford_clothing... GOD bless you always cheers to more growth

Is this applied on forex trading or can it be applied to general stock trading?

With the passage of time, I have learned many things from this woman Felicia Michelle  *(FeliciaFx_trades)* on instxgram Investment,Forex, including valuing and respect for people. I thank you infinitely because, with you, I had a spectacular friend, mentor, expert trader and an inspiration..

Brilliant! I can see myself watching this over and over. Thank you!!