Started by OZER, Dec 23, 2021, 08:27 PM

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Thanks for the ! Any chance theres like a pdf of this? With the candle examples.

TEN was launched to create a truly sustainable, yet beneficial model that would ensure the longevity of the TENFI ecosystem that allows for TEN to adapt and evolve with the DeFi space in general

Wearing the same tshirt rn

knowledge people would pay 1000s for,youre giving away for free

2:37 what are candle sticks  4:32 how to read candle sticks 15:12 candle sticks worth trading 28:01 candle stick pattern strategy 37:50 price action patterns 49:08 combining everything

I m from India love ur s. Can u pls make a  for Intraday trades in stock.

Which hour chart is usefull to classify the patterns, go with 2hrs or with 4hrs really confusing..o got few patterns learn from your s, but my question is in which time frame I should find them for intraday??

Thanx for one of best  I've seen about trading for beginners. Thumbs up!

how much money do you make my friend. I can't see you on forbes.

thank you so much for this... the way you teach makes this easier to apply in practice

Your  are very comprehensive

I love your s . Even when you're covering stuff I've already heard before, you somehow frame it in a way that brings me more knowledge.

Great ! but the 27:30 we cannot see the ATR part.

Thanks so much for sharing your worth of knowledge and to breakdown the world of Forex to a more simple and understandable world... Big up dawg and keep up the great work.....