Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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Tesla bubble would be still overvalued at 25% of current price and never seem to pop ,same with GME it's still 1000% of what worth. don't think these bubbles will pop ,only deflate very ,very slowly and shorts will make fortune with patience

 is FUD, squeeze season is close they want you out of your AMC GME shares shorts havent closed positions.

Of course it can but why would it this benefits the wealthy and keeps the working class dependent on the government.

The problem with this economy is going to be jobs. Labor participation is already low. The jobs we have are service sector. 

DBA has so much in store and you don't want to miss out on huge opportunities. To the moon  #DBA

People should have a choice.  I still want CASH in my hand when I want it.

ah yes another possible major financial crissis,what a time to be alive

Tesla & SpaceX need a PURGE of all the LUDDITES and BLEGGERS at Tesla, then they are FREE to hire NEW.