Dollar selloff takes a break ahead of PCE inflation data

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:58 PM

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It's all going to pop, the next market crash is coming, the government keeps fudging the numbers on the reports they put out, the great resignation is growing out of ignorance of the sheeple and China and Russia are like mean kids with pins waiting to pop said balloons be it with cyber attacks, false information reports or all out war. I suggest people read the decline and fall of the Roman empire, it seems to be happening again.

Tesla is not in a bubble if you know the company deeply (30.5% gross margin is unheard of in auto industry).  was wrong and said overvalued when it was $17 and now in $1050.

Quantitative easing is the cause of pumps mony in the more dollars in circulation the lower the value or the higher the inflation.....i think its clear that quantitative easing should be iligal.....solving a debt crisis bye allowing more debt is not a solution......stop the cocaine do what you should have done a long time a go raise interest rates back to 10 to doing so you make housing affordable again..... capatalisme needs detoxing from time to time the longer you postpone the harder the redraw will be.......a normel household should not be forced into shares for there savings to gain some return......housing is not for speculation but to live in and shares stocks are only for seasoned investors...

Stop massive gov spending.  Allow pipelines to open up.  Stop the lockdowns

I guess inflation is good for those who borrowed money

Whyyy are people comparing gas prices from LAST year during a time hardly any one was to 2019

"that's traditionally low margin business"  Sure, but Tesla's margin on vehicles was ~26% (!) last quarter, and Hertz didn't get any discounts: they just got in line like everyone else.

Michael Barry says he's not shorting "crypto", he never said bitcoin. It's a much larger market then just bitcoin.

hahaha im going to buy everything they mentioned here. retail is not stupid

Inflation is inevitable. What you can do is print money faster than inflation

The world governments created this problem using covid as an excuse.