Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 09:02 PM

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"Today They Announced that OmniCron is a Respiratory Infection" - "Are You Breathing" ?

The same companies reporting inflation are the same ones causing it.

[ P H I L ]  8--K.  $5 BILLION. LOAN !  Asian DIAMOND  Exchange.. &  HUGE. SHARE. BUY BACK$ ??   

Yes. By shifting the attention to China and Russia, Biden can easily downplay the inflation issue.

I just made my first $20,000 in cryptocurrency  I'm so glad I'm gonna have a successful retirement.

The same companies reporting inflation are the same ones causing it.

Wow ya'll Got this Wrong ,  We Getting some money to hold and Pay Tax, Shop, and Put into Cash  .  What is Omicron  ?   not Gold

they say it is all open etc., but the reality is it will all be owned by the few just like what happened to the internet in the first place.  same hollow claims.

Ive never listened to one of these. But I especially enjoyed this one as I understand how important crypto will be for our future. Happy these talks are happening so intelligently.

How is it that CEO's can keep sending their own pay to the moon isn't brought up when talking of price increases, but paying a living wage to employees will cause inflation and the end of the economy?