How rising interest rates can impact the stock market

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:32 PM

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Oh, I thought we were being told that inflation is a good thing now?


Inflation is theft to my savings account.  I wish there was something I could buy that could hedge against inflation. "Bitcoin" Absolutely no one can take away my cryptocurrency or stop my transactions.  long live the blockchain.

Love this! Lets see if this helps the dinosaurs  evolve in their prehistoric way of thinking.

Shocks are all about future I think. If you wait until the company is earning a fair amount of moeny or mature, there won't be a fair price either. So some companies that is not earning very much now or even with minus earning could seem very expensive. But that doesn't mean it's in a bubble.  You take your bet or prediction about company's furture and you earn or loss. Not some value finding which is nearly impossible i think because i think the market is kind of effictive so why should you find something that is highly undervalued?

That#39s what you get from listening to a Dork. I just listened on Buffet#39s warning

Find it a bit odd that stablecoins are just all being lumped together without talking about their differences. USDCUSDT, UST and DAI work very differently. USDT is (supposed) to be backed by  redeemable for 1$, DAI is over collateralized, and well.. UST (along with other algorithmic stables) is a bubble as we have seen time again.

At least we dont have a racist Russian kgb spy in the White House am I right?

Why would you put all your money into 1 crypto? Any crypto could crash at any minute, it#39s risky. Stocks are risky too but they usually crash gradually and not all at once. Spread out your investments, if you want to trade on the high volatility that#39s fine, but only do it with 5-10% of your savings.

gme a bubble. Lots more in this  was off. Must be lobbyists. Too  bad my dislike wont matter.These people made little sense calling amc

Luna was my biggest holding, bout 30% of my portfolio now worth nothing. Couldn't sell when the storm started as I was staking the tokens with a 28 day wait on withdrawal on Terra Station wallet. One piece of free advise - DIVERSIFY.

All cryoto is not safe because its just dump scheme by the the so called money gurus

The only thing that'll stop inflation is hyperinflation.