Day Trading Guide: 2 stock recommendations for Monday

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:18 PM

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Yes, They can. Just chant Lets Go Brandon till you finally get what it means.

First "the will be no inflation", second "the inflation is transitory", what´s next?

Depending on China for goods & wasting 2 trillion dollars on a war is how we got here.

9:11 what!? Why it should start to rise if employment rate is too low? I don't get it?

Now now gen z is going to be gen z. Obviously they are not going to buy boomer stocks like Disney right

Excellent forum, crypto is moving in the right direction.  Buying the dip again today.

Shermannnn. Give it a rest pal. You start comparing Doge to Eth in terms of functionality and you have lost your right to speak here haha. Shhh go back to bed and your pill box

Mr Sherman: Thats because YOU do not make it legal tender. You have a monopoly of money printing.

Black Americans need the government funding to start business and they know help black Americans become owners

Just to clarify Tesla margin selling to hertz will not be low margin. There is no discount at all.

anti trust   would show that the so called  inflation is a lie. its corp price gouging  .

The 'crisis' won't stop until they usher in that chip if ya know what I mean.