BlackRock: Away from stocks and bonds, recession is coming

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:46 PM

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Garlands plan is to wait out the clock so he can say, oh we just couldn't get to it in time.rrr

Every new generation think they#39ve come up with a new way to beat the system, but no one ever does except the early adopters who get out EARLY and the believers always ride it to zero.

I am already loving this . I heard for the first time the analogy with the 3 people required to drive a car from Andreas Antonopoulos and it's great to see they have probably watched his s to get Bitcoin education

 permaculture is a greater investment than graduate school for those wanting to live abroad

He knows he can't deliver on all his big promises and he's trying to blame everything but himself for the pickle he is in.

wow...  actually gave  a fair shake and almost an open mic. *clap clap ... clap

I am so over this stupid company and this idiotic CEO. I was invested in  two years ago. I'm done with their lies and their deception. Completely divested from this turd.

As Peter Schiff would say, you cannot put the inflation genie back into the lamp.

Egregio sig. Musk invece di tagliare i dipendenti distribuisca una buona parte del suo patrimonio che tanto quando sara' la sua ora lascera' tutto qui anche lei come tutti.

Coinbase is the worse! They should  be bannned!

As expected, Bitcoin hit its all-time high. The long volatile path to the top is expected to begin now that I expect Bitcoin to peak around Christmas. We often see the altcoins follow in the two weeks after that when Bitcoin makes a move, which could explain the recent surge in Ethereum and Solana. As big as Bitcoin is now, it's only a fraction of what it will be, so it's never too late, an important tip is to follow the guidance of a professional < In three weeks of trading I was able to get 9.2 BTC with signals of MARC FITZ do. they can be easily reached on Telegram as [MarcFitz_signals]

The most incompetent low life cowards who sold their souls got into power by the most evil that exist on the planet and they have increased the money  supply (definition of inflation)which is backed by nothing ( fiat currency) AROUND THE WORLD! This is not isolated to the United states of America. Its global and its globalist who are behind this and the plandemic and the wars and poverty and so on. Agenda 21 2030, event 201, owning the weather by 2025, 911, TSA  look it up.. do your research... wake up!!