FOREX-Dollar slips after U.S. inflation data

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:37 PM

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From the clip: There is no way the Fed can help and it will all depend on Congress.  Me: Alrighty, time to die.

Well done mini-documentary, usually the economics is poorly done by mass media.

4 of US gdp and poured it into the economy.  It can be stopped, just raise the key rate (yes the market which is already full of bubbles would go down and its a no-no for grandpa) and withdraw money from circulation by issuing some kind of good value gov futuresBro your interest on the loan minus inflation was around neutral but now is far negative, the gov printed like 1

However, there are drastic up and down turns and movements in the crypto market roughly every 4 years, the up and down turns, bull and bear market are broken into halves more or less and are associated with the Bitcoin halving cycle. So it is actually somewhat very predicable. We even have rough ideas of where it can likely go within a time. If X,Y,Z happens. There is also movement based on news and adoption associated with main stream companies and industries, along with entire cities adopting or working with, here in the U.S and small national countries around the world...

Good luck, ya played yourselves. 40%-50% on housing? hahahahahahahahahaha. The "honorable Jerome Powell" that 's even funnier. The Fed doesn't need reform, it needs to be burned to the ground.

Inflation is an expansion of the money supply, period!  Rising prices are the consequence.

Wow, sincerely impressed with the level of depth so eloquently explained here! AND even more impressed by the lawmakers willingness to keep open minds and finally ask intelligent questions on the matter of crypto, a marked shift in attitude for the better of everyones future!

Housing and treasuries are the bigger bubbles

As expected, Bitcoin hit its all-time high. The long volatile path to the top is expected to begin now that I expect Bitcoin to peak around Christmas. We often see the altcoins follow in the two weeks after that when Bitcoin makes a move, which could explain the recent surge in Ethereum and Solana. As big as Bitcoin is now, it's only a fraction of what it will be, so it's never too late, an important tip is to follow the guidance of a professional < In three weeks of trading I was able to get 9.2 BTC with signals of MARC FITZ do. they can be easily reached on Telegram as [MarcFitz_signals]

stupid take, the oil price has dropped, it should hult it a little. we can take a page from athens, just produce too much oil