Why did Alibaba shares rise almost 4% today?

Started by OZER, Dec 14, 2021, 11:46 PM

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Get rid of the fed go back on the gold standard stop endless bills and spending, dump the tax code and re write the entire thing so Amazon, Google and the like pay taxes on actual earnings not something made up. Most people pay more taxes by % of what they make then these big companies. Entire system is built to help the 1%.

It's too late for Feds to save now. They should be in Jail for inside trading

Capitalism only works if debters experience real world consequences. The Fed is a socialist organisation. Abolish the Fed and return to a real price for money, and let those who take on or lend out foolish amounts of debt suffer.

Can inflation be stopped? Yes, stop money printing now.

Everyone is going to have to realize that we ARE heading this way and the days of fox guarding the hen house is over. I Bet in ten years the Fed will be gone

The us economy is dead, these people should be ashamed of themselves for doing this to the country. They just keep printing money, more inflation is on its way.

This whole "transitory" BS is ridiculous. Once the prices of cars, rents, or food go up they never go back down and when they rise faster than wages it hurts the poor and those on fixed incomes the most.

Stop pumping too much money economics 101  And let people live there life's

It won't be stopped until we get more Volcker and less Powell.

Biden forcing the media to advertise a certain, and untruthful, message is exactly a fascism dictatorship. But you all voted for tyrants, thus you get tyranny.

Pretty dishonest reporting when you state that a stock's dip is based on its high while showing a chart that shows it's value trading way higher year on year. Maybe get rid of the graph to help you seem more credible.

The Federal Reserve is destroying our country.

We dont want to stop inflation tho. Deflation is much worse then a bit extra inflation

Great plan, don't invest your money and hope the price would go down...   I'm going to buy some stocks, bit coin and Real Estate for now.

Ask the 1500 new billionaires created during COVID to return the stolen currency?