BITCOIN This remarkable fractal symmetry indicates it's bottomed

Started by OZER, Dec 17, 2021, 10:45 PM

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My life are like colorful flowers in a beautiful garden. Thank you⬆️ for making my life colorful!!!

Awesome  dude. But you see trading for more risky for a beginner...

Thank you ...i always watching your from PHILIPPINES..

I dig the  and the content but I do have a suggestion, when you are going through these examples there are a handful of times where the picture in picture square of you talking covers the example you are actually talking about. A perfect example of this is in the area of average true range. You were talking about the chart versus the indicator but you were blocking all the information you were talking about in the . If you are using an application like QuickTime that allows you to record your screen and have picture in picture at the same time, You can drag your picture out of the way temporarily in real time to show what you are talking about and then move you back. I found it kind of frustrating that you were talking about an example that I couldn't see. Just a suggestion. Thanks again for the content

Hi  Iam from australia and trying to learn basics of trading to get into crypto. Ur s are helpful to understand the terms.

Thank you  . Your s are ultimate. This is the best , this  is up to the point. In this  you covered almost 90% of trading techniques which every trader should know. In day trading it is becoming difficult to capture everything ----  overbought and oversold, volatility, support, resistance, volume, pattern, reversal, Trend,  if you have any trading view script that will be helpful.

 Teo I am from India and after seeing your s, I have become big fan of yours.  God bless you.  Keep making s on market.  Really appreciate your efforts to teach all of us.

When you check for the 38.2% candle what time frame do you use?

Thank you dude very knowledgeable information and clear as daylight.

TA is like a weather report. Studying the past trend.....hahahahh.........what a joke!

Thanx for one of best  I've seen about trading for beginners. Thumbs up!

Hi There,  Do you cash in when your candlestick reaches its peak?