Forex Today: Risk flips positive in US session, NZD takes top spot

Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:25 PM

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Digital assets like crypto has a long way to go yo get the aproval it need to be a mayor player in the económy

Tesla bubble would be still overvalued at 25% of current price and never seem to pop ,same with GME it's still 1000% of what worth. don't think these bubbles will pop ,only deflate very ,very slowly and shorts will make fortune with patience

I guess who made this  is the smartest of the litter

They said the same thing about bitcoin when it hit 8k per coin. 5 years after, It jumps to 50k per coin.

Future of the job market is going to require nothing less of a graduate degree? Plunge the future generations into more debt? Especially with student loans..GTFO. Ill just be a plumber and charge $80 an hour as a start.

This inflation is transitory, print money obviously have no consequences, pffffff. the central command economy of the Soviet Union (united states) work vary well, let the government produce chips, or infrastructure.  system appear to be a viable economic alternative, dont worry, everything wanna be ok

Inflation is just corporate greed .....when corporations need money from government and then post record profits......that is corporate greed ...plain and simple

Why do Democrats always have to bring 'diversity' into the equation? They seem more obsessed with having quotas of women, ethnic minorities, LGBTs enforced in those crypto companies than having competent people, regardless of physical attributes and sexual orientations, developing and making digital assets available to everybody.

booster shots are inflationary. Who's paying for tests and vaccines? Your purchasing power. When government interferes with the working class and businesses through more and more regulation, does that increase output or decrease output? It decreases output causing higher prices for goods and services. Bill Gates' carbon tax to fund his chalk marks in the sky. Is that carbon tax inflationary or deflationary? It's inflationary. There is zero benefit to the middle class by flying airplanes spraying dust into the atmosphere. The entire process is inflationary.

I wont use this and  as evidence and tell yourself that you are worried Bitcoin and Tesla will crash. Be safe in everything you do but I would call this irrational fear. The entire US government and US dollar is based of loans and debt. You give and you take. Buy Bitcoin. Buy Tesla. Take what you want. But never forget to give back. If you take. You have to give. People should be more concerned about what they are going to do with all this fast cash in order to help people other people survive. There are 8 billion people on this planet. 10% and I would suggest more are starving to their deaths. That is what we should be talking about. Repaying our debts. Giving back. I hate to burst your bubble. A bubble burst is the least of my concerns.