Elon Musk says he is ‘almost done’ selling Tesla stock

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:53 PM

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7:45 The Phillips Curve trend line is deeply problematic. Just look at the actual underlying data points: all data points at 2.5% unemployment demonstrate resulting inflation hovering around 1% inflation.

ah yes another possible major financial crissis,what a time to be alive

Inflation was always there, it was just hidden with low cost goods.  Try comparing a Lawnmower from the 70s that was proudly made in America to one that is created today made cheaply in China. The older Lawn mower is built to last where as the one made today would break in a couple of years (by design so customer has to buy a new one).  This is how China has become a super power because to hide inflation the super rich in democratic countries in the world, outsourced labor to China to make cheaper goods.  It is all so the super rich dont have to pay much for workers.  Keep goods and services cost low, keep pay low, keep taxes low. If anything disrupts this mantra, it would result in less money for the super rich.  Now that China has become so powerful that they can now start charging more for their goods, it means the super rich of the democratic countries that used China for cheap labor has no choice but to pass the cost on to their working class.  Its also the reason for the trade war with China, and moving cheap labor to South East Asia, war torn countries like Pakistan, or slave like labor (Blood Diamond like operations) in Africa.     Inflation exists because of greed.  Greed is not going anywhere.

"Actually, nobody can see a bubble; that's why it's a bubble"

1:48 except those things are not included in inflation calculations, lol.

 looks happy. maybe just happy that  finally says something different than usual. i'm just hoping the celestial visions of bears mean something and not representative of losing grip on reality.

Inflation? Really?   Why are Treasury rates dropping? Why are they basically nailed to the floor? Why does one famous historian say interest rates are at a 5000-year-low? Low rates mean abundant credit for viable businesses. That means employment and rising wages. Those are all good things.  Americans have so much stuff jammed into their McMansions they have to hire people to haul it away before they buy more stuff. We throw away more food than other countries eat. If your lifestyle is cramped by un-preventable economic cycles, it's because of your unrealistic expectations.

Reading about people grabbing multi-figures monthly as income in investments even in this crazy days in the market,any pointers on how to make substantial progress in earnings?would be appreciated.....

GME reached $ 483 not 347, why you can't make a  or a news not even once without getting something wrong

No they want us to have no choice but buy stocks n inflate there assets cuz we got not choice