Dollar selloff takes a break ahead of PCE inflation data

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:58 PM

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Question: How are we to have a record when Biden plans to take trillions in taxes away from the Rich that invest in the stock market?

When the government spends trillions it dilutes the money supply.  Not just base money,  broad money too.   We all got those stimulus checks and we're paying for them with increased costs......


The Fed printing more money will just slow down the economic collapse, it will eventually happen one day, and it's not just in the US, any other countries have the same chance. This is why I invest in crypto. Not a financial advice of course but if you look back in history, bitcoin's price just keeps getting higher unlike fiat money we have today.

This is bs. Leave crypto alone. These people are all interested in there own benefit.

Seriously every time  has been on  he's been screaming Bitcoin to 100k, anyone who follows him knows exactly what im talking about. Not one person gonna call him on that. I stopped following people who cant admit when they're wrong or answer every question with "Uh, well, or um"... run all his interviews back and you'll see it too

The problem is that you think you live in a democracy with a vote.  But do you know what those people do once they are voted into office?  Get a clue! Things have not changed for 40 years regardless whos in office!!  Guess why?? Wake up!!

LL THE WAY UP ️️ ️                       ️             ️ ️        ️                *       ️                      *         ️     *                 *                   *              *                *                     Lets go!

Ah "what goes up"... must go down. Not sure when I picked up that little gem. I seem to remember it was relevant at the time. It will be grand though...grand that is unless you've been playing with those nasty communists that is. Ya haven't...have you? In that case, how did Xi put it so eloquently..."ya play with fire...and you'll get burned" ...and if you have been (playing with the communist) ya deserved everything ya get so...