USD Breaking News: U.S. Dollar Fades on ISM Manufacturing PMI Miss

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:44 PM

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After long consideration of the facts counterfeiting money, credit cards and fraudulent methods of payment should no longer carry a penalty.  What's good for the goose.

You guys are a joke! How you were saying how high amc or gme was in compare where it is now.. but then on tesla youre just saying how much it went up this year. Lol what are you traying to say here

no it cannot as long as the fed keeps on printing  money

watch?v=JkBpQG3FJwUwww..comCOME ON MAN!THE BALLAD OF SLEEPY JOE is our New   that reaffirms all of JOE BIDENs weak disastrous policies! https:

Getting fuel prices back down would help tremendously to lower inflation on goods that are trucked around the country. Dealing with port congestion would also have a tremendous impact. The biggest cause of inflation, however, is the fact that the Fed added 35.7% to the USA money supply in just a year and a half. When you dilute the dollar by that much how can you NOT have inflation? That was a huge gift to Wall Street investors, of course, including our politicians in both parties. (Just look at the growth in the S&P 500 since that money printing started.) But for everyone else it means that their wages and their savings now have less buying power. Our government no longer represents we the people - neither party. Instead they represent the billionaires and corporations who fund their campaigns. This includes the wolves in sheep's clothing who feign outrage against the corporations and the rich. All you have to do is follow the money.

My concerns band questions are as follows. Can crypto currency be used to purchase items at a yard sale? Can it be used at the strip bar, can it be used to buy nuclear armaments? Can it be used to support failing enterprises domestically or abroad?  Is it fractionally reserved bankable, can the thousand day interest method be applied towards it?  Does it honor the founding fathers? How easy or difficult is it to counterfeit? Is it FDIC insured? What backs it, could it be taken to a bank and exchanged for an  IRA contribution? Does it cost money to use like some debit cards and credit cards? How difficult would it be to loan one of a crypto currency carriers friends or relatives twenty dollars if a situation arised? Could it be used to donate to charities? What about campaign contributions?

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Why is it always legal to "pass the added cost on to the consumer"?? Should not ALWAYS b allowed!

Love this! Lets see if this helps the dinosaurs  evolve in their prehistoric way of thinking.

Absolutely nothing mentioned about the monetary supply.  Not a single peep.    I guess all those economists who used to teach that inflation is "Too many dollars chasing too few goods" no longer exists..  Monetarism is closely associated with economist Milton Friedman, who argued, based on the quantity theory of money, that the government should keep the money supply fairly steady, expanding it slightly each year to allow for the natural growth of the economy.  Monetarists argue that if the Money Supply rises faster than the rate of growth of national income, then there will be inflation.   I guess when the 1970's inflation rate returns in 2020's, monetarism will be in favor again.