RBI announces no transactions in G-Secs, Forex and Money Markets today as Mahara

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:06 PM

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hour to flip burgers without a union or minimum wage requirement.Typical  pro-union sob story.   In reality outsourcing gave us high quality cheaper products, made industry more globally competitive and offloaded the menials tasks, making the American workforce available for work higher on the productivity chain. Record low unemployment followed, and now McDonalds is offering $21

employer operations at the  expense of the domestic labor market.big money over workers so  Fed data on labor is seriously flawed and optimize
 investorinvestors getting tax breaks and repressing wages in the labor market... Feds mostly provide credit  for big money investors  not for wage earners.
 The Feds uses  an adversarial model to pit  labor vs employer investor ... the Feds always favor employersInflation was driven by big money

Yes inflation can be stopped at anytime but biden''s just busy his his covid game. In all his political life, he rarely or didn't talk about his economy viewpoints but criticized only. He got elected because people wanted to get rid of trump's racism in the WH.

This  would be so much better if they were treating the fed as the criminal organization they are instead of can them help do this or do that ... but sure I forgot the channel too is a part of the criminal organization... simply put they skimmed off the top and robbed middle class blind through years of money printing

To AOC that throws softballs on these CEOs: if I will be living in a society where everybody is an opportunist trading cryptos, I would rather DIE. Thank you.

7:56 Ah hints of the psychopathic economic view that unemployment is desired. That it's a policy tool to control inflation.

Well I really appreciate ️.for the amazing Bitcoin flip done for me yesterday

Yes! Collapse. Also study history, past country's before collapse had a false sense of well-being and growth of economy leading up to the point...