Gold has remained steady as stocks and bitcoin have plunged

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:30 PM

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Always invest more than you can afford to lose.

Don#39t believe wht u seen on Internet so good to be true if u want invest in crypto just throw in which u comfortable to lose not all ur life savings this is idiotic act

No way they can stop if they try to the economy will deflate to a point where the government will for sure go bankrupt causing famine etc , fundamentally there are 2 problems reducing demographic growth and aging population which is going to devastate the debt burdened economy into a deflationary spiral at one point but for now hyperinflation is the problem .

control over inflation?. its pretty obvious that that ship has sailed

Here you can see how last generation can not engage with new generation, and usually next generation goes on.

That#39s like going to you#39re local bank and them giving you 20% APR on your savings account. People who fell for any of these crypto staking scams deserve to lose it all. Nobody is giving out 15% annually without being a ponzi scheme. Go buy $SPY folks.

These are the elites invited to Davos? This guy lies, deflects, and dodges.

To be clear the Federal Reserve is not federal and has no reserve. They are only here to rob the american people of the value they have created.


Every graduate degree in the US is actually in woke studies, so I dont see those being all that useful.