BA headed to 170 in the next couple of weeks

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 10:56 PM

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Thanks for sharing, really helpful! ️

I love your content man you are amazing just keep it up and we will support u my man

Top notch outstanding  teaching. Thank you for doing this. Enormously helpful n.

Thank you so much for this detailed info. One question remains for me though; how is the time period driving this analysis? Is the analysis the same whether I use 4hrs time periods or 4 days? Is there a preferred time period to use depending on the stock or or other values being treated? Thanks again

Hello! I truly thank you for this . Thank you for reminding me to put a stop -loss on the cryptos that I purchased. But how long is a stop-loss good for? Thks for the answer

have you a bullish version of this great

the 325 dislikes are from trading guru asking for 100 dollars for the same information

I've seen Solid Green candles go way down. What the heck does that mean?

TEN was launched to create a truly sustainable, yet beneficial model that would ensure the longevity of the TENFI ecosystem that allows for TEN to adapt and evolve with the DeFi space in general

Great, thanks  And you promised in last  on showing MyFxBook?