European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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Real easy. The public just needs to really cut back on frivolous spending. Just for one month. Stay home. Dont drive anywhere not needed. Dont buy anything. Even buy less food.  month of that the  The big corps will start dropping prices back to normal

These members of congress dont understand crypto

Rep Waters' questions so naive & unrealistic it is clear that she has NO understanding of PAXOS or cryptocurrencies

Too many people investing into things without understanding the fundamentals of the thing they#39re investing into.brbrReality check for anyone reading this:brbr1. If someone or something promises you 20% interest, when not even the biggest interest returning investments (REITS) can yield such large returns (when they#39re legally mandated to pay investors large portion of their profits), you should question where that money is coming from.brbr2. If something sounds too good to be true, it#39s probably not. The steep deviation from the normal interest payout in the investment world should#39ve been the biggest red flag of them all.brbrNot to mention, going back to the fundamentals - If you were investing into stable coins because you wanted to protect your savings from what#39s going on with real currencies, why would you put money into a system that balances it#39s value with an inflationary system? brbrThis ain#39t rocket science. brbrI really hope things work out for people who lost big on this. Truly, one of the most messed up financial stories in a while.

Really interesting that every bodies talking about how this is creating value for everyone, but failing to mention that we lose much of the value of decentralization when we rely on the institutions represented here.

%3 interest rate will bankrupt the US. It's simply not possible to raise it that high which means if inflation ever manages to slip and expectations enter a loop, there will be absolutely no way to tame it back. The US has to start paying back the debts for which it needs to let go of the strong dollar insistance that creates almost a trillion dollar deficit every year.

Raising taxes, fees, interest rates and turning off the money printer. Just a few things from the top of my head.

Yes it can be stopped, just abolish the central bank Or set a Constitutional Amendment spending limit

Hey Shills, The economy was in the crapper b4 Elon...Just Ask J.Powell how we got here..

3. DOJ Garland is afraid to do his job and wants others to pursue Trump in Civil Court 

Egregio sig. Musk invece di tagliare i dipendenti distribuisca una buona parte del suo patrimonio che tanto quando sara' la sua ora lascera' tutto qui anche lei come tutti.

I just stay poor so I never have to worry about losing money. Living in my car isn#39t so bad.

Just gotta say that the idea that you shouldn't invest in companies that don't make money is so ridiculous it's crazy. Companies like Uber have never made money yet are seen as legitimate investments

Tons of young guys with zero real finance experience believe in a young cocky coder with zero finance experience trying to run a monetary system like a central bank.... That is a recipe for disaster. Remember black wed when British pound got depegged by Soros ??